Entryway Hotel Ukraine


The grid acts as a marker that allows the viewer to map their way through the work: it is not static but constantly moves across or through these projects, manipulating the object it produces in the process.

Eleanor Dodman

The proposal for the new Radisson Hotel entrance in Moscow comes from the idea of having as a façade a steel grid, which follows the geometry of the existing building. The grid is built by extruding the geometrical outlines of the existing façade.

The three-dimensional grid is an abstract form, not competing with the existing architecture. It is deliberately different, but due to its simplicity becomes part of the urban skyline merging completely with the existing building and the city.

The grid has come to stand for the ultimate signifier of anti-narrative model. In our reading, by contrast, the grid is not understood as an object but as something that will always be there, at the very core of the language of architecture. It is useful device for the space existence, being both a model of rationality and a sign of artificiality.

The grid as device create an architecture capable of changingover time depending on the property needs .

The architecture of the historic building is too important to be completed with a new facade following the market tendency. The grid protect the existing and give new value to it.

Our project isweak  in the common meaning, referring to a project as “weak” has a poetic sense, as a project where architecture disappears, it is subtle. In this case, we believe that architecture has the ability to have a value to be interpreted and transformed by its use, and where buildings are implementable, not iconic. The building is not disconnected from the urban structure, but it is an integral part of it, architecture defines the city and turns into a production’s tool for the of urban space.

The three-dimensional grid is not just a flat screen redrawing the existing facade of the building, but it is an object with thicknesshousing an adding value to it, the facade is a micro-building that can be used in different time and  different ways.

The new structure change over time, within different programs.

The facade thickness contains different scenarios, each represents a possibility, directly related to the needs of the hotel. Those scenarios modify the programs over the years, and always satisfy the hotel needs. Today is just a facade that responds faithfully to the requirements of the brief, but it is also an urban greenhouse, a vertical garden. In the future could be transformed in a cafe space directly connected to the hotel, a showcase that during different national holidays characterizes the building, orcan accommodate small business offices for the clients.

The grid has  aspecific form and its defined size, but trough different programs it can modify itself over the years and grow, in the vertical size, a superfacade capable to reach the rooftop offering a greenhouse and a relax space for the hotel rooms. Architecture can never be completely closed off. One may close space with walls, but the grid architecture is alwaysconnected visually and phisicalywith the world.