Swiss Embassy Camerun | Yaoundé
A building blending in the local Yaoundé real life, without quitting the meaning of it : a foreign embassy. This architecture entertain a particular dialogue between two cultures, Swiss and Cameroun. Adopting as a consequence an icon role where the space will be useful and practical. The embassy icon importance is stated through an archetype of its own architecture reminding the site memory. Archetype translated through a basic geometry readable on the rectangular and triangular cut realized on the facade. This site does not limit an independent building, its edge search the surrounding wall in order to create an external space linking the town and the embassy. This surrounding wall between private and public become an integral part of the building. The project is created with different environment which enter in between creating a sequence of surrounding walls. The external area take part in splitting the space., composing an ideal path going through three different universes, the public area, the building: philtre and way of entering in the private garden. In the earth of such sequence and borne, the surrounding walls support the path itself, the wall open into the place and close nearby the building, changing by the garden. In this sense the open area appear more externally that internally on the wall. The main structure is made of reinforced concrete pillars with a base of concrete blocks; the wall is made of brick, coated externally. The external wrapping is made of concrete blocks with a coated slate.